IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!!! We have had SO much fun over the past couple of weeks as we have started to celebrate the holiday season! Last weekend, we took Walker to "A Christmas in a Railroad Town" in downtown Opelika. It was so much fun and Walker LOVED it! We didn't make it to see Santa while we were there, but we did get to see lots of other fun things!
Walker LOVING the fire truck!
Walker saw his friend Cooper!
Walker absolutely LOVED these carolers! He was dancing and laughing! It was so funny to watch!
Me and my baby!
Richard and Walker witha goofy grin (to match is goofy personality!). Notice the chocolate on Walker's face....yes he is his mother's child!
We saw horses and Walker was NOT happy that he could not play with them!
And we saw Aubie-clause!!
Take 1: Not so much a fan
Take 2...about 5 minutes later after Aubie started dancing for Walker....
Take 3...
The next night, Richard and I hosted a Chili and Cookie christmas party. We had almost 30 people over from our church. It was a blast! Most people either brought chili or cookies. We had 7 different types of chili and 10 different kinds of cookies. I had my camera out but totally forgot to take pictures once everyone came over....I did remember to take a couple before hand...
Walker is now 15 months! We went for his check up on Wednesday and he is one healthy boy and is growing so well! He weighed 24.5ish pounds (he was NOT a fan of the scale and was pitching a royal fit...and NOT wanting to this was as close as they could get) and was 33.5inches long. He was in the 75% for length and 50% for weight. Yep. Long and skinny just like his daddy! He is developing well and above average on his verbal development (what? someone with Wheatley genes likes to talk? Go figure.) AND according to our pediatrician early verbal development is the only early indicator for intelligence! YAY baby boy got his brains from his daddy! Smart boy!
Here are some things about W at 15 months:
-Walker is down to 1 nap a day and has been since he turned 12 months old. He usually naps about 2 1/2-4 hours
- Baby has 9 teeth and according to his doctor he is in the process of cutting his molars.
- Walker is a BIG eater! He is not really picky and will eat just about anything we give him (including my vegetarian stuff)
- He is actually able to communicate most things that he wants "Bite" (he wants to eat) "Wawa" (he is thirsty) "Ni-ni" (he is ready for bed) "side" (wants to go outside) "Dee" (wants to watch a movie) "BAAAHH" (he WANTS to take a bath). He also can follow some directions "Let's go night night" - He will go to his room "Let's go upstairs"- He will go to the stairs "Let's take a bath" - he will go into the bathroom, "where's your..." and MOST of the time he will go find whatever it is
-Baby boy has learned almost all of the animal sounds and animals. He can point to most of them in a book.
-Our baby is a little parrot and will try to repeat any word you say.
-He wears size 5 diapers and 18-24 month clothes.
- He LOVES his "night-night" (his blanket) and will carry it around the house with him
- He sleeps with a paci and will only want one when he is awake when he is super tired
- This boy loves, loves, LOVES music and dancing as well as animals (esp our dog, Gatsy!)