We have finally made it to 37 weeks!! YAY! This means we are now considered "full term." We had an appointment yesterday and Lucy is doing great! Her heart beat was 161 and has made some good progress towards being ready to come! At our appointment last week my doctor told me that she was measuring a little small. She has always measured a touch small, but it has been consistent week to week which means she is growing on like she should. But last week my doctor told me that she wanted to do a growth ultrasound because she had fallen just a touch more behind and wanted to make sure that she is growing and developing well. Of course, being how I am, I totally was stressed out. When I went to the doctor this week and expressed how concerned I was about all of this the doctor looked at me and said "really? why?" and continued to tell me that I had no fat on my stomach so there was nothing to "pad" the measure and that Lucy is fine. Now, I don't know about not having any fat on my stomach, but it did make me feel better that she really was not concerned at all and that Lucy did grow a good bit over the past week. So anyways, we are now in a waiting game. She could come tonight or in 3 weeks. Only time will tell. My mom and dad so graciously offered to keep Walker last night and tonight while we finish up some things around the house and get some rest before the big day. THANKS MOM AND DAD! :)
I feel OK...just 37 weeks pregnant. I am getting pretty uncomfortable and sleep has definitely been minimal but, on a positive note, I am still able to workout 5-6 days a week and am mainly doing BodyPump and BodyAttack. I am not worried or stressed about the timing/labor/delivery of Lucy but am a little worried about how I am going to give Walker the attention that he needs and deserves while taking care of a newborn. I know mom's do it everyday and it will be a learning curve, I just don't want to force Walker to grow up faster than he has to and want to make sure his needs are met.
Here is little Lucy's bump picture from this morning. 37 wks and 1 day. I'm sorry I am always in my workout clothes when we take these pictures :)