Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Week in Montgomery

Last week Richard had meeting in New Port Beach/Irvine, CA (which is near L.A....poor thing...right?) so Walker and I spent the week at Boo and Papa's house. It was so much fun! When Richard got finally got home he came down to Montgomery to help us celebrate Annie Boo's (my niece) and Papa's (my dad) birthdays. It was such a wonderful week and I REALLY appreciated the help with baby boy. I just realized that I did not take a single picture of my mother with Walker...but let me tell you they have such a special bond! He reaches for her and laughs at her, it is truly priceless. Thank you for all of your help last week, Boo and Papa!

While I was getting ready to pack the car, W found the baby wipes :)

Papa showing Walker the waterfall in their pool....he LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the pool...

Baby L.O.V.I.N.G the water...
Annie Boo (the birthday girl) being silly
the "party room"
Yay for cupcakes!
The cousins: Annie, Walker and sweet Claire (Claire was like a little mommy to cute!)

Papa, Claire and Walker.

YAY! Daddy is back from the CA! WOOHOO!

Annie and Papa blowing out the candles!
Pool time!
Baby and Richard
We had so much fun in Montgomery last week! When we got home baby boy slept for 11 HOURS without waking! That is a RECORD for him! He usually only makes it 6 hours...he was worn out :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Walker Wiggling

This is what Walker does every time we change his diaper, clothes, or are getting him ready for bed. When I said he does not stay still..EVER...I did not lie :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

8 months old!

My sweet, sweet baby turned 8 months old today! I just can not believe how fast time is FLYING by! He is growing so well and has an amazing personality! Here are a few things that he is doing:

~Baby boy is crawling EVERYWHERE! He is still army crawling but he is FAST. He can crawl on his hands and knees and does it every now and then but mainly stays with his army crawl.

~He eats baby food very well.....maybe I should say...he eats baby food really well if he is not distracted...

~Baby gets distracted VERY easily. When we are feeding him Gatsy has to be out of the room, blinds closed, noises off, if someone is in the room they have to be standing by you...sweet boy just does not want to miss a thing!

~Baby is taking two-2 hour naps a day. He still only makes it about 6 hours a night. Every now and then he will make it more. I think that he is still hungry in the middle of night because he is SO active during the day.

~Walker DOES NOT stop moving. Ever. Maybe it is because he was bounced around in my belly for 9 months? Seriously, dressing him is a challenge. It took me 10 minutes just to put a pair of shorts on him because he would not stop kicking his legs. And forget about rocking him or cuddling with him. He will squirm and squirm. I do love how active he is!

~This week he has started doing some "tricks." If I say "Walker, say 'NO'" he will shake his head "no"...and he smiles and smiles while doing it. So funny! Also, most of the time, if I say "say 'bye, bye'" he will wave his hand. This is hit or miss. But still for an 8 month old...not to shabby :)

~He has started to give me sugar! There is nothing like a slobbery kiss from my baby!

~Walker is turning into a MAMA's BOY! If he can not see or touch me he is not so happy. As long as I am beside him he is a pretty happy baby.

~He is eating puffs and yogurt melts like a champ! I have given him some table food (steamed carrots, baked sweet potatoes, peas...) but he doesn't have any we are just being careful and waiting!

~Baby boy is PULLING UP all over the place! I think that he is going to take after his mama and daddy as well as all of his cousins and be an early walker. I'm getting my running shoes ready!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Trip to Henderson

This past weekend Richard, Walker and I spent the weekend in Henderson, TN with Richard's family. We have not been able to see Richard's family since Christmas, so, it was a much needed family weekend! We had a wonderful time!

Walker was such a trooper. He did NOT sleep at ALL in the car...either way. So considering he did not fall asleep until after midnight the first night and was up before 7AM, I think he did an outstanding job for an almost 8 month old!

Big J. Walker and little J. Walker
Baby boy watching the big boys play baseball
Aunt Becky and LB with baby.
Walker loves Carter!!

Walker wrestling with Daddy
The cousins! Carter, Walker and LB
Gran and Daddy reading to Walker

STORY TIME! Becky, Gran and Walker