Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our Weekend

Well, Richard and I had a WONDERFUL but very busy weekend!! Here is a quick recap:
First, here is a baby bump update. This is little bit at 16 weeks 6 days. Yep, almost 17 weeks!! Can you believe it?? Richard and I find out in LESS THAN 48 hours if we are going to be having a GIRL OR BOY!! Don't forget to cast your vote!! :)


On Saturday night, our share group threw a Baby Shower for Lydia! It was so much fun and Lydia looks AMAZING! I can't wait to meet little Cooper!

The food table...after we started eating (please don't judge me on my picture taking skills! :) )

Lydia and her precious niece:

The girls:

Lydia, Amy H., Jami and Aleesa

Audra, Kim, Brooke:

Abbie and Jamie

Aleesa playing our fun game...Guess what is in the baby food. I decided at that moment I will be making my OWN baby word: EWWWWW

Audra...not a fan!

Lydia opening gifts:

On Sunday, after church, Gold's Gym Max launched our NEW BodyPump and RPM releases! So much fun!!

Richard, me, Hollis, Christy...the 2:00 PUMP instructors
Most of the instructors....pre-bodypump

Christy, showing us how it is done before warm up ( hands on my hips, as always, and I believe I have rubbed off on my husband!)
Me teaching chest ...with pregnancy option..of course :)
the husband :)

CUTE! Scarlett and Kelly

The class...while Richard was teaching the back track....yep...we had 50 in the class!!

PRE-RPM...Kelly and Chris

Lacey....excuse me...Mrs. Haney! :)

The first group of instructors:

Then I was on stage and could not take pictures :(. We had fun!


McCrory Family said...

You look so cute!!!! And your house looks beautiful in all the party pictures! I can not wait to find out tomorrow. Looks like the girl votes are still out weighing the boy...I'm still holding out for a little man! :) LOVE YOU!