Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our Weekend

Well, Richard and I had a WONDERFUL but very busy weekend!! Here is a quick recap:
First, here is a baby bump update. This is little bit at 16 weeks 6 days. Yep, almost 17 weeks!! Can you believe it?? Richard and I find out in LESS THAN 48 hours if we are going to be having a GIRL OR BOY!! Don't forget to cast your vote!! :)


On Saturday night, our share group threw a Baby Shower for Lydia! It was so much fun and Lydia looks AMAZING! I can't wait to meet little Cooper!

The food table...after we started eating (please don't judge me on my picture taking skills! :) )

Lydia and her precious niece:

The girls:

Lydia, Amy H., Jami and Aleesa

Audra, Kim, Brooke:

Abbie and Jamie

Aleesa playing our fun game...Guess what is in the baby food. I decided at that moment I will be making my OWN baby word: EWWWWW

Audra...not a fan!

Lydia opening gifts:

On Sunday, after church, Gold's Gym Max launched our NEW BodyPump and RPM releases! So much fun!!

Richard, me, Hollis, Christy...the 2:00 PUMP instructors
Most of the instructors....pre-bodypump

Christy, showing us how it is done before warm up ( hands on my hips, as always, and I believe I have rubbed off on my husband!)
Me teaching chest ...with pregnancy option..of course :)
the husband :)

CUTE! Scarlett and Kelly

The class...while Richard was teaching the back track....yep...we had 50 in the class!!

PRE-RPM...Kelly and Chris

Lacey....excuse me...Mrs. Haney! :)

The first group of instructors:

Then I was on stage and could not take pictures :(. We had fun!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So, here is what has been going on lately with the Willis':

1. Baby Willis at 15 weeks 3 days...Not much of a bump, but trust me this is the most belly I have EVER had!! :)
I am feeling GOOD. My sensitivity to smells and food aversions have decreased dramatically. Some foods definitely sound better to me than others but no real cravings....yet :). I am still teaching BodyPump at almost my normal weights and RPM. I am teaching 4-6 classes a week...depending on the week. They are slowly getting MUCH harder to teach, but it does make me feel very good after I am done working out. Some people have asked me how long I plan on teaching...and my long as my body will physically allow me. Ideally, I would teach until the day before lil' bit arrives...but I know that may not be the case and that is fine as well.

2. When I passed my RD exam at the beginning of February, Richard and my parents went in together and got me some AMAZING curtains!!!! They finally came in and were hung today... I can not tell you how EXCITED I was and still am for the gift, they look better than I could ever imagine!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!



Aren't they GORGEOUS?!?!

3. Since Richard and I were apart last week and will be again pretty much all next week, we headed to Atlanta on Saturday for some MUCH needed us time. The trip was pretty FABULOUS. After we checked in on Saturday, we just relaxed for about 3 hours...and...let me tell you, we haven't just sat together, much less for 3 hours, in I don't know how long! It was SO nice. That night we went to a DELICIOUS French word: YUMMOO!!!!

Sunday, we enjoyed brunch at the Cheesecake factory and then browsed around at baby bedding at the Lenox Square mall. While we were at the mall I forced my husband to buy a few new shirts for spring. Richard's philosophy on clothing is that if it doesn't have a hole in it it is good to doesn't matter if he has had it for 10+ years or that it is tattered and threads are coming out. One thing I can say is that he gets his money's worth out of his clothes.

That night we went to see MICHEAL BUBLE in concert at the Gwinett Arena...a completely SOLD OUT show! One word: AMAZING!!! Richard and I had gone to see Micheal a couple of years ago at the Fox and he was awesome then...but now he is incredible!!! I took a video with my phone...but I have NO idea how to get the video from my phone to computer...but if I figure it out I will post it! :)

Monday, March 8, 2010


Well, today has been extremely bittersweet.

Starting with the bitter news….

This morning, at a BodyPump class at 5:45 am, I had to say goodbye to my husband! :(. He is jetting off to Sacramento, CA today (actually is in en route as we speak) and will not be back until LATE on Thursday night. He is heading to the west coast for a conference for work and is presenting on Wednesday. I really HATE being apart from my husband. You know, I was thinking today that I am really thankful that God has a hand in who we end up with. God knows what each person can handle and I am so thankful for that. As I was telling Richard goodbye today I realized how extremely HARD it would be to have a spouse in the service where were gone a lot and most of the time cannot even tell where they are going. I admire those couples for their strength.

I really don’t like being apart from Richard, but, I must say that I am extremely proud of him. He works so hard and it really does pay off. He is asked to present his research, others research, and to represent NCAT at so many conferences. He is so dedicated, trustworthy, hardworking , smart and honest that people want to be associated with him. Richard represents God, his family and his work so well in ALL that he does. He is pretty amazing.

Ok…now some sweet news….

This morning I went back to the doctor for a follow up appointment. It was wonderful because I was able to hear my sweet baby’s heartbeat again. Today, it was 148 and let me tell you, that baby was moving and grooving! The nurse was surprised how active Baby was! Every time she found the heartbeat it was gone in half a second and Baby had moved to the other side! I was also able to set up our next appointment to find out if it is a BOY or GIRL!! March 30th can’t come soon enough!! I can’t wait to see my angel for the first time!

Luckily, about a week ago the nausea went away and my energy is bouncing back!! WOOHOO! The only real problem I have been having lately is that sometimes I forget that I am pregnant. So, for several days I go 100 miles an hour and then inevitably CRASH. Good thing I have a sweet (and very patient) husband who kindly reminds me that I need to slow down and take care of not only myself but also our child. Now, I just need to learn to not be so stubborn and listen to him BEFORE I crash! :)

Since Richard was leaving today and I DETEST being home alone, mom and I planned a trip to Guntersville, AL to visit my sister, brother-in-law and 2 precious nieces. We arrived late this afternoon and ate a YUMMY dinner with them and then Mom and I headed back to the hotel for some rest. We will hit the ground running tomorrow!! Hopefully I will have some pictures from the week posted soon!