I am way behind in the world of blogging! It has been almost TWO MONTHS! Well, a lot has happened and we have had lots of fun! Here are some of the pictures from my phone as a recap :)
Carter and Lucy Katherine during our visit to Henderson
Sweet cousins!!
Miss Lucy Katherine before her 2 month check up! At her check up she weighed in at 10lbs 12 oz which was in the 50% for weight (...when she was born she was in the 3rd % for weight! This girl can eat!) and was 22 inches long (50% for length). She is growing so fast!
close up from my phone :)
Claire and Lucy Kate
Over the past couple of months Walker has come very, very close to climbing out of his crib...so we decided to go ahead and change his bed to a toddler bed. It did not work out so well. He would pound on his door while screaming at the top of his lungs for a LONG time. His naps went from about 2-3 hours down to about 45 minutes and he went from waking up at 7:00 in the morning to getting up at 6. After about 2 weeks of this we decided to covert his bed back to a crib. Naps have gotten back to normal and he is sleeping in again! YAY! Let's just hope he doesn't fall out of his crib and hurt himself!!
For the 45 minutes that Walker would sleep, this is where his nap usually happened....directly behind his door with his blanket in hand....I am thankful he is back in his crib!!!
Baby Girl.
The weather has been absolutely BEAUTIFUL so we have been able to spend a lot of time outside. Walker lives to be outside, he absolutely loves it! Sunday afternoon lunch:
While I was pregnant with Lucy, Richard and I started a tradition with Walker to go out and get ice cream every Saturday night. Walker-man LOVES his sweets and especially his ice cream...he gets his love of ice cream from his daddy :)
Not a care in this sweet little girl's world!
My little stinker :)
Richard and W at Monkey park one afternoon
Walker is definetly getting use to Lucy Katherine. He has started being so sweet to her. If she is crying he will run and bring her a paci and try to give it to her (usually ends up in her eye) or he will go and find her blanket and cover her up (usually over her face). He likes to "help" me change her diaper and will bring me wipes and try to wipe her (again...usually her face). He will even be so sweet and try to share his milk (typically results in a sippy cup thrown at her) and swing her (he pushes the swing with all of his might...thankfully Lucy Kate has not fallen out of her swing...yet). One day he wanted to hold his sister and would not let me take her away for about 10 minutes.
This was in the waiting room at Lucy's 1 month check up. At a month she weighed in at 8 lbs 8 ounces (25%) and was 20.5 inches long (50%).
On our way to Lucy's first share group: