Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Yep! That's right! Richard and I are EXPECTING our first child! Lil' bit Willis is due September 9, 2010 and we just can not wait! Talk about a perfect Christmas surprise! We could not be more thrilled. Richard and I found out right before Christmas and were able to tell both of our families, in person, on Christmas day! Before we left Auburn we bought rattles that said "Born to be an Auburn Tiger" and wrapped them up for all of our family members from "baby willis". I don't think we could have hoped for better reactions! There were tears of joy (like Mom and my sister Lyndsey) and then there were also words (or shouts) of excitment (from Pop and Becky). It was the perfect way to end our Christmas celebrations with our families!

Richard and I had our first doctors appointment a couple of weeks ago and we are scheduled to go back for our first ultrasound and to hear the heart beat on Februray 9th! Isn't amazing that right now God is forming our child, inside of me, in his own image!?!? Pretty amazing! I can't wait to meet lil' bit!

As far as how I have been feeling....hmmmm...well this changes literally minute by minute. Unfortunatley I am nauseous 98% of the time and exhausted 100% of the time. But, I have to remember, that when I feel like this it is a sign that our baby is growing and the hormones are increasing. It is a sign that my body is doing what it needs to in order to provide for lil' bit! :)

For now here are some pictures from our fun times over Christmas break. The Monday before Christmas Richard and I packed up (unfortunatley, Gatsy did not make the trip...she went to the doggy hotel AKA BOO AND PAPA'S) and headed to Henderson, TN to spend some much needed time with his family.

SANTA CAME for LB and Carter!

Gran and Carter looking at some goodies from Santa

Chuck and Chewy Runts...need I say more?

YAY for Cameras! :)

After Christmas Brunch we headed to Montgomery to see my family.

Russell and MA
Lyndsey and MA

MA loves her Uncle Richard

Miss Clairey

Claire playing dress up and getting "all married"

All the Ladies! Claire, Lyndsey, Rita (Mom's sister), Me (and lil' bit), Mom, and MA

A picture of our last Christmas with just the two of us! :)