Well, it has offically been over 18 months since our last update and boy how our lives have changed! All I can say...we are blessed! Now that I am COMMITTED to keeping up with our blog here is a quick recap of our lives since April 2008...
We were completley showered with love and gifts by our friends and family before our wedding....(Seriously...we still have a garage full of gifts and we are SO grateful!)
On November 22, 2008 we offically became Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Willis! :)
Not to long after the wedding, Richard successfully defended his dissertation and became Dr. James Richard Willis! Just a side note about his dissertation...the DAY before our wedding (which was at 10:00 in the MORNING) Richard was driving to Auburn to turn in his final draft to all of his committee members. Talk about cutting it close!
Since I was in the middle of my internship and Richard was about to defend, we were not able to on our honeymoon right away....but let me tell you it worked out absolutely perfectly and it was well worth the wait! Over Christmas break we jetted off to BELIEZE for some much needed relaxation. We climbed on Mayan ruins, waded thru water up to our hips as we climbed up caves, tubed through caves (at times in pitch black) after hiking through the rain forest, and went to an iguana reserve! Talk about amazing! It was AWESOME!
For our first nine months of marriage we lived in Montgomery while I was completing my dietetic internship. During this time Richard was such a wonderful husband and commuted to Auburn for his job as a post-doctoral fellow for the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT). As my internship came to a close, Richard began searching for a permanent job and I started trying to figure out what in the world I wanted to do next. In the midst of the job hunt...NCAT offered him a job as an assistant research professor and I was accepted to Auburn's Grad school and offered a position as a graduate research assistant...so....the next thing you know we were house hunting in Auburn!!! So this is where we live now!
And finally.....we got a puppy....Ms. Gatsy Rose Willis! :)
And that pretty much sums up the past 18 months! Now we are just getting ready to run in a 10K next weekend at Callaway Gardens. All of their Christmas lights are up and the run starts at twilight! It should be so much fun! :) Hope everyone has a wonderful week!